Monday, December 7, 2009


Health Total believes that to be in good health is to be in a state of balance. Health is a biological equilibrium that exists within in our body. In order to achieve this balance, we need to fine tune our body at all levels which can be achieved by doing meaningful work, in a conscientious and responsible manner, exercise, eating correctly and having a positive attitude towards ourselves and others.
Health Total offers solution for a lifetime of good health. Ours is the only program that repairs, rejuvenates and nourishes the individual body by providing the desired solution. Our program is customized for each individual based on the following parameters, based on genetics, lifestyle prakruti (body type) and age.
We work on natural body cycle and our programs are designed on a unique four-step process. i.e.
The body needs to be detoxified to improve receptivity and to increase the bioavailability of nutrients in the human body. This is done by the foods, which are rich in antioxidants which arrest premature aging.
Once the body has been detoxified, it absorbs nutrients from food more easily and efficiently. Therefore the food that you eat at this stage actually rejuvenates your system.
After ensuring that the body is now effectively absorbing nutrients from the food, it is automatically nourished by way of reaching its optimum metabolism.
Once we have taken you through this entire process and you have achieved the desired result, we teach you to maintain the same throughout your life.
Based on the above principles, Health Total provides solutions for the following disorders:
Weight Management
Due to abusive lifestyle and by consuming refined foods, stress, hormonal imbalance etc, we develop fattening metabolisms, which in turn lead to obesity. Health Total offers programs, which corrects obesity through individualized food plan, herbal therapy and regular brisk walks.
Health and Hi Energy
Each of us start life with abundant energy. As life goes on overwork, stress, pollution add toxic overload in our body causing the body to slow down. To keep the body working, we whip the body into exhaustion by taking stimulants like cigarettes, tea, coffee, colas etc. This leads to further depletion of real energy. Our health and Hi energy program help you to achieve peak performance through food.
Detoxifier Plus
Detoxification or inner cleansing simply means removing toxins from the body. Everyone needs to detoxify as we all breathe polluted air, eat toxic food and drink water that is contaminated with pollutants. (Part of the unique four - step process) Helps you attain that elusive inner beauty. To be introduced to foods, which are rich in antioxidants that arrest premature aging.
Cholesterol Buster
High levels of cholesterol are related to intake of processed foods, deficient sedentary lifestyle, stress and improper liver functioning. Therefore, relying on low cholesterol diet to lower blood cholesterol probably won't work for most people. At Health Total, the root cause of excess cholesterol production is treated by eliminating the toxins from liver and improving its function. This is done by combination of food plan rich in antioxidants, complex carbohydrates and fibre and herbal plan which includes herbs having properties of potent liver cleansing and reducing blood cholesterol.
B.P. Management
Hypertension is an ailemt of modernization. Although the exact cause of the disease eludes us, smoking, obesity, stress, alcoholism, high blood cholesterol and hereditory are linked to hypertension. Weight loss is one of the best ways to bring bloood pressure back to normal levels. Health Total gets to the heart of the ailemnt and treats by combination of customized food plan, herbal therapy, nutritional supplements and moderate exercise. Blood pressure and weight improve and you have higher energy and immunity levels.
Immunity Booster
Our immunity system quietly and efficiently defends itself against attack from micro-organisms and viruses. In fact, it's role entailes prolonging aging, cancer prevention, prevention of artery blockage besides prevention of diseases. However, with constant exposure to environmental toxins and junk foods, the efficiency of immune system reduces with time. With proper nourishment and care, the body's immunity can be revived and strengthened to fight back diseases and aging. Health Total provides customised solutions in the form of food plan and herbal therapy based on the person's hereditory, prakruti, lifestyle, body type and age to combat the ill-effects of free radicals and revive the immune system.
Diabetes Type II Mangement
Type II Diabetes, which most people suffer, is a lifestyle disease. It does not happen overnight but over the years due to wrong choices of food. The degenerative process begins in those who are vulnerable to diabetes.
Most type II diabetics are overweight. They don't have a shortage of insulin, but their cells are resistant to its effects when they lose weight, the cells become more responsive. When this happens their blood sugar drops and the need for additional insulin reduces as the insulin that the body is producing may prove to be inadequate. Therefore an overweight diabetic should try and achieve ideal body weight in order to get control of his blood sugar and wean off anti-diabetic drugs according to requirement. Health Total offers programs for diabetics by combining foods rich in fibre, low in glycemic index and herbs, which increase the efficacy of pancreas, and intern reduces blood sugar.
Joints Pain Relief

With modernization, there has been a shift of work profile from physical to more of mental activities. However, the food habits have not been modified to suit the more sedentary way of life. Thus reduced physical activity coupled with poor dietary habits has been responsible for the increase in joint pains experienced by men as well as women. Joint pain includes back ache, knee pain and other joint related discomforts. The pain often reduces the person's mobility. Excess body weight is often linked to knee pain. Health Total provides a customised plan that helps reduce weight and thereby help lower joint pain.
Skin Improvment
It feels good to be beautiful- to find oneself being admired, to have that flawless skin, that positive aura. Nature does its bit. Toxins play havoc on our system, ultimately deteriorating skin texture and quality. The skin is one of the excretory organs of the body through which large quantities of toxic matter are easily eliminated. Health Total's Skin Improvement with weight loss program eliminates toxins from the body and brings a healthy glow.
Menopause Made Easy
Each women's journey through menopause is unique. On an average women achieve menopause at the age of 50-52 years. There are some exceptions wherein women experience premature menopause around the age of 40. Women experience various degrees of discomfort ranging from mild mood swings, to the extreme such as depression, reduced sex drive and hot flushes. This may affect personal life and relationshio with close friends and family. There are the fortunate few who do not experience any discomfort. Menopause management and weight loss helps you to reduce menopausal symptoms like hot flushes, depression and bloatedness.
Digestive Disorders
Our digestive system today is greatly challenged. Thanks to the ever-widening menu of strange foods, colours, food chemicals, processing chemicals, additives, Preservatives etc. To add to this, we often eat irregularly, exercise, very little work till late sleepless, and are constantly stressed. It's no wonder that most of us have badly maintained digestive systems. The symptoms of indigestion include balching, abdominal pain, bloatedness, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, joint & muscle pain, weakness etc. At health-total, digestive disorders are corrected by including herbs, which are good for digestion foods, which are closest in natural form & high in nutrient value.
Syndrome X
Syndrome X is a cluster of symptoms that increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
High Cholesterol
•High Blood Pressure
•Elevated Triglycerides
•low HDL (good cholesterol)
•Insulin resistance
Health Total fully understands the implications of these and helps correct this condition through natural means with our 4 step process and use of specific herbs, vitamins, minerals, fibre, essential oils, help your body to avoid/ postpone these disorders/conditions. To know more about how to arm yourself against Syndrome X, walk into your nearest Health Total branch.

The SIDE BENEFITS of Health Total are:
•Lifestyle disorders like cholesterol, diabetes hypertension are corrected.
•We arrest pre-mature ageing, take care of digestive disorders.
•Irregular menstrual cycle & moods swings are stabilized.
•Skin, hair begin to glow.
•Texture & quality of nails improves.
•Increase in energy levels.
•Marked increase in immunity is seen.
•A tremendous sense of well being is felt.
•Reduction in pain related to Osteoarthritis, Gout, Rheumatoid arthritis.
•Improvement noted in asthmatic patients is seen.
•Weight loss accompanied with a marked improvement in general health.

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